What’s On

Seasonal Cleanses & Resets

Reset your health & wellness
Align with the energies of each season

Each season brings its unique energies, set of organs and meridians, and areas of focus. We run a three day non-residential cleanse or reset process every season to bring you into alignment with all these changing elements.

It’s a special time of personal reflection, a chance to cleanse and nourish your body with lovingly prepared seasonal food. Two therapeutic yoga classes combine with other powerful practices each day all working synergistically to bring great change to your body and mind in a beautiful environment that supports health, vitality and wellness on all levels. Gift yourself these life changing experiences to keep your wellness on track when the rigours of life and your overburdened schedule pull you askew.

Spring Yoga Cleanse

Saturday October 5th – Monday October 7th

Detox & shed the stagnancy of winter and align your mind & body with fresh budding energies of spring. Spring is a time of new beginnings and visions. A time to rise early with the sun, shake off the stagnancy of winter, cleanse, refresh and renew your body and mind.

Spring is the perfect time to look at new ways of eating and moving, to start new things, clean and clear your body and mind, and increase activity levels. Spring yoga focusses on lengthening and opening the sides, as well as twisting and bringing movement into the joints. We increase flexibility and adaptability, creating a feeling of grace and lightness.

Our focus in spring is the Wood Element. It governs the liver and gallbladder and their associated meridians and body systems, giving us the opportunity to access, strengthen and heal all these areas. In spring we can create improvements in:

  • Joint & tendon health
  • Nails & hair
  • Flexibility both physical & mental
  • Eye health & vision
  • Headaches & nausea
  • Calming anger & resentment
  • Liver health
  • Neck & shoulder tension
  • Breaking addictions
  • Decision making
  • Energy levels

Spring Program


OPTIONAL COLD DIP - Meet early for a jiggle jog down to a bush pool, skin brush and cold dip to stimulate the liver, colon and skin for maximum cleansing.

7:00 - 8:00AM

Back to the yoga studio for an hour of therapeutic meridian based yoga. Stay for miso and congee or take away. Leave with a delicious, organic, vegan lunchbox.

5:00 - 7:30PM

Another therapeutic yoga class, followed by a light seasonal dinner. Finishing with a hot ginger compress to nurture your body and bring healing relief to any aches.


Investment includes a $100 non-refundable booking deposit. Cancellations made before September 27th will be refunded, minus the $100 booking deposit fee. Cancellations made after September 27th will forfeit all monies paid, unless your place can be filled.

Yoga Nidra Sound Baths

Deeply Relax and Rejuvenate

Once a month, Danielle teams up with Malachi, from Pranava Sound Therapy, to offer this blissful and regenerative experience. The healing ability of sound therapy, coupled with the simple, yet powerful practice of Yoga Nidra meditation, can be truly transformative.

Accessible to everyone, simply arrive, choose a soft mat, lie down, and cover yourself with the blanket and eye pillow provided. You will be led into a deeply relaxed state through the Yoga Nidra Meditation while Malachi provides a celestial, harmonious soundscape, bathing your body with healing vibrations.

The combination of Yoga Nidra and sound therapy combine to create:

  • a deeply relaxing & nourishing experience
  • a calming of the nervous system
  • a quiet, receptive mind
  • an opportunity to access your deep subconscious
  • healing & rejuvenation on a cellular level

Tickets – $36

Sound Healing Days

Giving Back to Our Community

One day a month we give The Octagonal Space over to Malachi Lonsdale, from Pranava Sound Therapy. He turns it into a temple of Sound Healing, offering FREE one hour personal sound therapy treatments. Contact Malachi directly to book a time slot.